Thursday, July 3, 2014

Day 126 - Closing in on New York City

Despite the torrential rains the night before, the morning was clear, warm and less humid.  We left Atlantic City at 9:55 am, out the Absecon Inlet to the ocean.  The New Jersey ICW could take us as far north as Manasquan, but we opted for the Atlantic for deeper water (as usual).  Small inns and beach houses line the shore north of the Inlet.  A series of barrier islands and peninsulas stretch from here to Sandy Hook.  For the next 20 miles or so, all I could see was beach.  There were low rollers on the ocean and a haze across the sky.

Once we passed Little Egg Inlet near Mystic Island, the shore was again built up with homes.  Now we were approaching Long Beach and North Beach Haven.  The Barnegat Bay was next, a long inland bay whose southern inlet was marked with a lighthouse.  To the north of the Inlet were sand dunes.  Seaside Park and Seaside Heights are at the north end of the Barnegat Bay and are quite built up with larger beach hotels and amusement parks.

Next we passed the Manasquan River Inlet, which marks the end of the New Jersey ICW.  We were 6 miles from Sandy Hook, going by Asbury Park and Monmouth Beach. 


The Sandy Hook Lighthouse lies at the north end of the Sandy Hook Peninsula and now we could make out New York City off in the distance.  We turned west into the Raritan Bay, threading our way through small fishing boats as we head toward Staten Island.  It was 2:30 pm when we arrived at the Great Kills Yacht Club.  We were greeted by their “Harbor Host”, John Calascibetta.

After getting settled, we walked up to the yacht club where we were welcomed by several friendly club members.  They showed us pictures of their docks blown up on shore by Hurricane Sandy – with many boats still tied to them.  There is still evidence of Sandy’s destruction in the boatyards along the harbor.  We left them with a DYC burgee, with the promise of getting a GKYC burgee in return.

John recommended Cole’s Dockside Seafood restaurant for dinner and though it was close, one of the club members offered us a ride.  They were offering a 3 course meal with a bottle of wine for $22/person, an excellent deal and all very good.  The prediction for the next day was rain and I believed it based on the dark clouds gathering as we got back to the boat.


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